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You can share some of your article, I'm like you write something, really very good! I will continue to focus on


Thank you, Kyra. I've been meaning to do this, but everything seems to take me four times longer than it should these days. Blah. It'll come though!


Interesting that you noted the eating/drinking/typing thing (I, personally, have composing/belching down pat, but that might be an entirely different kettle of, um, fish); but you failed to note the most salient of your talents -- your ability, like a fine pointilist, to paint wide and deep portraits using the most finely-tuned small moments.

It's a rare and lovely gift.


Hope you feel better soon!

drama mama

Awwww. You know when I'm retreating and hiding. Okay -- to the post!



I hope you feel better soon!

Jenn (aspergertopia)

Thank you Kyra! I feel so honered. You tagged me with my first Meme. I am off to type and tag. I hope you feel better soon!


Oy, hope you feel better soon. I'm right there with you on #2-4! LOL I load a MEAN tray of paper! ;-)

Lori at Spinning Yellow

OK, I'm it. I do like to make lists!

I like that your list is straight forward, but you sell yourself a tad short. Although I so wish I could type!

Hope you feel better soon.


Egads! You are too much! I LOVE your list. You forgot to mention your sense of humor...

Feel better. I'm right there with you on the seasonal distress. I've had no voice for three days--which some people think is not a bad thing.

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