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I'd have to give green light with you on this. Which is not something I usually do! I love reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to speak my mind!~~

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I LOVE this post! Yes, I agree with Em "A violent absence of clutter" is a phrase which I have been searching for ; ) When I visit a home which is not only clean, but also lacks children and their stuff: THAT is the way it strikes me.


Wow, Kyra, this is a gorgeous post. I love everything from the descriptions of the famous person's house (oh, how envious I am that you know him! I'd love to tell him how much my preschoolers on the spectrum and my own kids love his books!) to your insight into Fluffy's changes and where that has come from.

I hope you make some fabulous friends soon - and this quote from drama mama had me rolling: "...all I wish is that we were neighbors, borrowing tampons and coffee, and throwing glasses into the fireplace." How true, and between the two of you, I'm overwhelmed by fabulous descriptive imagery!


I love your observations on the house. I felt like I was there.

Chee loves those Pigeon books. And I got her Knuffle Bunny for Christmas.

drama mama

How far Fluffy has come.

I'll admit, it hurts my heart to read that you are still lonely, when all I wish is that we were neighbors, borrowing tampons and coffee, and throwing glasses into the fireplace.


"A violent absence of clutter"....that might be the most descriptive and amazing phrase I've ever read. And it surely does NOT describe our house!! Glad you had a great time.

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