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drama mama

o thank god for you, dearest kyra...i was just thinking of how long i've been reading and loving you.


Congratualations on your blogaversary! Five years is awesome!



Love this post, and your attitude. Reminds me of my GPS, which frequently and calmly tells me it's "recalculating" when I change course, yet keeps me moving forward.

A happy, positive, joyful new year to you and yours.


I really need to change my glasses prescription, because I read: blogSLAVERY. HAHAHA!!!

This is the post of eternal optimism, which is how I experience you: eternally optimistic. I love you and thank you for blogging for so long. It's an extra insight into your daily life, of which I can't get enough.



i heart you! and fluffy too.

flounder, soar, flounder, soar, that's what we're here for, right?



Happy Blogaversary! PS- I can totally relate to the flounder-soar-flounder-soar part. Here's to positive energy and lots of soaring this year!


Happy New Year, my friend, and Happy Happy Blogaversary!!!! I've missed you!!


It's all a part of the great unknowable journey we take, isn't it? I wish you love, peace, positivity and SLEEP, my friend! (Well, "they" do say you usually give what you'd most like to receive so I give you LOTS of sleep! ;-) )


yes, em. that does seem the be the case.

i do want to stress (i don't think i was clear in the post) that i LOVE many of these things still! the RDI, the HANDLE, the homeopath, the Enki, even the diet and enzymes had there place for us. but as you say, time passes, gains are made and changes create new needs and so one must keep on seeking on!


It is amazing sometimes to realize the number of things we have tried and discarded along the way. Things that began with promise often fizzle and fade as our kids mature, change, grow. And as the newness wears off and the various interventions begin to lose their luster.

Here's hoping your resolution for this year is strong and lasts all year long!

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